Three Ways Threaten Representative Government
Prof. Dennis Meadows
Dienstag, 12. September 2017
Technische Universität, Radinger Hörsaal, Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Wien
Economic growth rates are being reduced in most of the globe’s nations by acombination of ecological, economic, and political limits. That poses three challenges to all governments which are based on the principlesof democratically chosen representatives. First, escalating crises cause leaders to focus on the short-term benefits of policies, ignoring long-term costs. This makes it impossible to find fundamentalsolutions to problems like climate change. Second, declining capacity to create real new wealth causes the powerful to sustain growth in their own welfare by exploitingthe less powerful, opening a bigger gap between rich and poor, reducing the level of trust in institutions, and increasing the potential for violence. Third, economic stagnation forces people to migrate into new regions. That destroys cultural homogeneity eliminating the host population’s shared cultural norms that are required for compromise. Dennis Meadows will describe these trends and discuss options to reduce their effects.