Kashmir – what’s happening there
Prof. Dinesh Mohan
Donnerstag, 22. März 2018, Beginn 19:00
Technische Universität Wien, Seminarraum Kuppel, Karlplatz 13, 1040 Wien
The people in the state of Kashmir in India have been unhappy with their political and social situation since 1947 in general and since 1990 in particular when the violence in the valley increased dramatically. The sources and reasons for the violence that has continued till date are complex and at present seem intractable. Even though the valley today has one of the highest presence of armed forces per capita in the world the violence is not under control. Dinesh Mohan visited the valley with five other colleagues to understand the present situation and he will describe what they saw and understood.
Dinesh Mohan is Distinguished Professor at Shiv Nadar University, Gautam Buddha Nagar, and Honorary Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Dehli, where he worked from 1979 to 2010. He is currently Director of the Independent Council for Road Safety International.